- Notstand
- m1. Notlage2. POL. state of emergency; den Notstand ausrufen oder verkünden declare a state of emergency* * *der Notstandstate of emergency; emergency; desperate situation* * *Not|standmcrisis; (POL) state of emergency; (JUR) emergency
innerer Nótstand — domestic or internal state of emergency
äußerer Nótstand — threat of invasion or attack
nationaler Nótstand — national (state of) emergency
ziviler Nótstand — disaster
übergesetzlicher Nótstand — emergency situation in which a law no longer holds
den Nótstand ausrufen — to declare a state of emergency
einen Nótstand beheben — to end or put an end to a crisis
einen Nótstand abwenden — to avert a crisis/an emergency
* * *Not·standmübergesetzlicher \Notstand extra-statutory necessity2. (politische Gefahrensituation) state of emergencyden \Notstand ausrufen to declare a state of emergencyäußerer \Notstand emergency caused by an outside threatinnerer \Notstand national emergency* * *der1) (Krise, Übelstand) crisis2) (Staatsrecht) state of emergency* * *Notstand m1. → Notlage2. POL state of emergency;den Notstand ausrufen oderverkünden declare a state of emergency* * *der1) (Krise, Übelstand) crisis2) (Staatsrecht) state of emergency
Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch. 2013.